
Looks amazing! Profiteroles with Chantilly Cream – Generally, the puffs will never go wrong with any creams and chocolate garnache, don’t you agree with me?

Recipe for 14 large puffs:

For the Puff:

70g plain flour

3 large beaten eggs

100g water

60g unsalted butter

Pinch of sugar and salt


For the puff, boil the water, butter and pinch of sugar and salt in a cooking pan until its bubbling. Turn off the heat, add in all the plain flour and mix with a wooden spoon until well combine and become a smooth dough.

Add half of the beaten eggs and mix (this stage is a bit hard work but please patient and keep stirring until the egg mix into the dough. Once the eggs completely mix with the dough, you will find it quite dry and hardly to mix. Add the beaten eggs little by little into the dough and continue mixing. You might not finish using the beaten eggs. You will need to have a smooth and silky consistency of the mixture. When you spoon up the mixture, it should drop back to the pan very slowly. The mixture should not too dry or too wet.

Once you get the right consistency of mixture, transfer it into a piping bag and pipe out about 14 dollops of mixture on a baking tray with baking paper attached.

Spray some water on the mixture. This is to prevent it over burning while it’s baking in the oven.

Bake at 200’C preheated oven for 15 minutes or longer until it puff up and turn light brown then turn the temperature to 170’C and bake for another 15 minutes. Transfer the puff on a wire rack to cool down.

For the Chantilly Cream:

3 egg yolks

200ml milk

30g sugar

20g plain flour

20g unsalted butter

250ml whipping cream

20g sugar powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

100g whipping cream

100g dark chocolate


Prepare the custard first. Boil the milk with sugar until sugar is dissolved but not boiling. Meanwhile, mix the egg yolks and flour to a thick paste but no lumps. Add two tablespoon of milk if you find it too dry to mix.

Pour the warm milk into the egg yolks mixture, pour little by little and mix with a hand whisk until everything combine. Then, pour back the mixture into the cooking pan. Cook with very low heat and keep stirring until it thicken.

Once the mixture is thicken, remove from the heat and add in the butter in 2 batches. Keep stirring until the heat slightly cool down, Then add in the butter and vanilla extract. Continue stirring until well combine.

Transfer the cream into a plate and cover with cling film. Make sure the cling film touch on the mixture, this is to prevent it from skin forming on its surface. Chill the cream in the fridge and ready to use.

Meanwhile, whip the up the cream with the sugar powder and vanilla extract until thicken. Combine the chilled custard and whipped cream with a hand whisk until well mix. Transfer this chantilly cream into a piping bag and chill in the fridge until ready to use.

For the chocolate garnache, warm the whipping cream until simmering hot then remove from the heat. Add in the dark chocolate immediately and stir gently until well combine.

To assemble the profiteroles, poke a hole on the top of each puffs then piping in the chantilly cream about 80% full. Dip each puffs with chocolate garnache. Chill the profiteroles in the fridge. It is best serve cold. Enjoy!

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You can see the recipe here: gracekitchencorner.blogspot.com

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